Expansion of the existing daily quota, related trading and settlement arrangements and related agreement under the Stock Connect

Expansion of the existing daily quota

From 1 May 2018, the Northbound daily quota will be increased from RMB13 billion for each of the Shanghai Connect and the Shenzhen Connect to RMB52 billion and the Southbound daily quota will be increased from RMB10.5 billion for each of the Shanghai Connect and the Shenzhen Connect to RMB42 billion.

Trading and settlement arrangement

About Trading and settlement arrangement, please click here.

Two Factor Authentication for Online Trading System


For the purposes of strengthen a security of internet services, Two Factor Authentication for access to your Online Trading Service will be expected to progressively launch in the form of an SMS-based one-time password (“OTP”) on 16th April, 2018. We hope that you can use a safe, reliable and convenient online trading service.

Features of Two Factor Authentication


請注意,由於證券網上交易系統暫時未能提供服務,如客戶須下單,請致電證券交易熱線,香港號碼(852) 2823 0368或國內免費熱線號碼4008595579,接通後請按「2」。不便之處,敬請原諒,謝謝


请注意,由于证券网上交易系统暂时未能提供服务,如客户须下单,请致电证券交易热线,香港号码(852) 2823 0368或国内免费热线号码4008595579,接通后请按「2」。不便之处,敬请原谅,谢谢

Margin Ratio Table


The following Stock Margin Ratio and Deposit Ratio are for reference only. We will consider client's trading accounts status, stock market conditions, stock prices’ movement and other relevant factors in determining and imposing different margin ratios to different clients in our absolute discretion.

We reserve our rights to vary margin ratios and/or stop offering loan for financing margin trading at all times under any circumstances without prior notice to clients.

Last Update Date: 15-Apr-2024
